This loan is helping support a borrower who is 35 or under. Because many young people lack business experience or established credit histories, it can be even more difficult for them to access financial services. By funding this youth loan, you are expanding opportunity for a young person with limited resources.
About National Microfinance Bank:
Jordan is a small country located in the heart of the Middle East?s Levant region. Regional instability has caused Jordan to be excluded from global investments for decades. Additionally, a lack of natural resources?including water and energy?places tremendous strain on the Jordanian economy, over 80% of which consists of small businesses, largely in the service industry. Despite their importance in the economy, many of these businesses are excluded from the banking sector because of their size. Microfinance institutions like National Microfinance Bank offer them an opportunity to enhance and expand their businesses. NMB also offers its services to other underprivileged peoples in Jordan, providing them with loans to pursue educational goals and improve their homes and livelihoods.