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A loan helped a female-owned business expand by purchasing a truck to pull our new trailer.

Misty's story

My first job was in a burger shack at a flea market in Midwest City, OK. I was 13 years old and my neighbor gave me the job. I LOVED meeting people, hearing about their day, and serving them great food. 38 years later, I still love doing the same thing only NOW...I own the business.

I have worked in the food service industry for a long time. I worked in tiny little mom and pop shops to fancy members' only restaurants in Los Angeles. I broke my back to be a part of someone else's realized dream.

My motivation comes from realizing my own dream and letting my kids see their mom excel at it. The passion to serve people great food and put a smile on their face has never faded for this Okie girl.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About 3-6-5 Concessions LLC

Industry: Food
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details

Bank of America
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
ST George, UT, United States
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