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In honor of International Women’s Day, Hitachi has committed to funding four groups of Kiva borrowers in need, and we want your help deciding where to allocate the funds.

13 days remaining
Tatiana, Moldova
Tatiana, Moldova

Our mission is to make a difference in communities around the world by investing in transformative ideas and institutions that address some of our most pressing global challenges.

The Kiva effect

Every dollar from Hitachi goes further thanks to the power of relending.

As borrowers succeed and repay their loans, Kiva re-lends the repayments to new borrowers, multiplying the impact of every dollar.

Our pledge


Hitachi has pledged to support financial inclusion.

Our impact


With Hitachi's pledge and repayments combined, this is the total amount lent to 90,964 borrowers.

Our pledge


Hitachi has pledged to support financial inclusion.

Our impact


With Hitachi's pledge and repayments combined, this is the total amount lent to 90,964 borrowers.

About kiva

Financial opportunity for all

From racial discrimination and gender biases to armed conflict and climate change, there are many reasons why people are financially excluded.

Kiva’s mission is to provide financial access to all. There are still 1.4 billion people who lack financial access. Let’s change that.

Gender equity: 740 million women unbanked around the world - Kiva

More than 50% of all unbanked people worldwide are women — with little to no access to financial services.

Even though research shows that women are more likely to invest their earnings in ways that have a long-term impact on their families and communities, an overwhelming number still lack the economic agency to do so.

Kiva is creating opportunities for people worldwide

Female illustration above 3.82 million women reached statistic
Peace sign hand illustration over $1.5 billion loans funded data
Diagram showing 4 of 5 circles filled over a 4/5 Kiva loans go to women
Tatiana, Moldova
Tatiana, Moldova

Live Now

In honor of International Women’s Day, Hitachi has committed to funding four groups of Kiva borrowers in need, and we want your help deciding where to allocate the funds.

13 days remaining