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Matt and Jessica return from Uganda

October 9, 2006

Matt and Jessica have returned from their travels to Africa with Frontline World - complete with bead necklace and t-shirt gifts for the office! We'll be sure the coffee pot is full over the next few days to help Matt with his jetlag... but in the meantime here are some of the beautiful pics they brought back with them -

Matt and Jessica visited with Janet Alupot, Executive Director of Women's Initiative to Eradicate Poverty in Uganda. They were able to observe Janet's daily activities working with her clients as she accepted loan applications, disbursed loan funds and counseled entrepreneurs on their business ideas. Janet is a true leader and a lot of social good is taking place as a result of her work - watch the Frontline World piece on Kiva to see Janet in action!

Matt visiting one of Kiva's earliest borrowers, Petronilla Shivachi, at her grocery store in Kenya. Petro's business is going so well that she has expanded into other ventures, and Matt spent a few hours discussing business ideas with her.

Left to Right: Rose Athieno, Eunice Oyuk, Christine Awora, Elizabeth Omalla, a friend of the group's andApollo Olweny.

What an amazing picture! Rose, Eunice, Christine, Elizabeth and Apollo are actually 5 of Kiva's first borrowers, all of whom have repaid their loans in full and whose businesses are still continuing a year later.
If they look a little different than you remember from their business description it's because they've all gained some weight (but don't worry - that's a compliment in Africa!)