Trustee: NewBoCo

Cedar Rapids, IA


Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
As the organization behind Iowa's Kiva Hub, we look forward to being the main point of contact when it comes to all things Kiva. As a primary trustee, we plan to constantly be spreading the word about the advantages of a kiva loan and ensure that entrepreneurs in our community and across the state will be successful throughout the application process, fundraising and repayment process.
What is the mission of your organization?
To accelerate world-changing ideas, from Iowa.

Borrower Due Diligence

How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
Over the past 8 years, NewBoCo has taken a holistic approach when it comes to creating an ecosystem that allows business owners and startups of all stages to thrive in the state of Iowa. We have established strong relationships throughout the state with a number of accelerator programs, chambers, universities/colleges, small business development centers etc., and NewBoCo offers a number of workshops and entrepreneurial meet-ups designed to cultivate and celebrate entrepreneurship. We will continue to provide the necessary resources for Iowa business owners to be successful through Kiva - tracking their progress through the application process, assisting with fundraising support and working with the borrower during the repayment process. Through our diverse network of contacts in the small business space, we will be sure the borrower demonstrates a clear ability to be successful through Kiva before making an endorsement.

About NewBoCo

Location: Cedar Rapids,
Total loans: $310,500

All Loans for this Trustee