Trustee: Startup Waco

Waco, TX


Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
We are a new Kiva Hub focused on providing entrepreneurial resources across our community. We run programs focused on supporting and vetting startups in a number of ways, and adding the Certified Trustee tag will allow us an even stronger tool to push into the community.
What is the mission of your organization?
Startup Waco believes in the power of a thriving culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in our region, to foster new economic development and impact the individuals and families in our community today. As the preeminent entrepreneurial hub in Central Texas, we aim to be a national leader that is recognized for our effectiveness, both in harnessing the power of entrepreneurship and also confronting its exclusiveness. We will create new structures for high-growth businesses to start, develop and scale, while also relentlessly focusing on serving entrepreneurs from historically excluded neighborhoods and demographics. We will work alongside organizations, businesses and ESOs in our community to help connect and focus all the resources of our community. We believe in the dignity that every person possesses inherently and that by giving we receive, and that Central Texas will be transformed as a shining example of opportunity, inclusiveness and integrity.

Borrower Due Diligence

How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
First and foremost, we run an incubator/accelerator program where we do due diligence and coaching on various business which we intend to refer to Kiva if it makes sense. In this, we are covering their current economic situation, so understanding the (projected) ability to repay will be understood by both the entrepreneur and the CAM/coaches. For companies not in the program, we also offer financial consulting that will help us understand eligibility. Additionally, we have a CDFI housed in the same co-working space, so we have the ability to refer companies to the right lending source in a cooperative and collaborative way.

About Startup Waco

Location: Waco,
Total loans: $272,000

All Loans for this Trustee