Trustee: Access

San Diego, CA


Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
Since2001, Access has been providing assistance for small businesses and microenterprises to low-income adults, most of whom are new to the UnitedStates. In the 18 years of service to low-income communities, we have seen the lack of capital to be the main factor for an individual to accomplish their dream of one-day becoming owners of their own business and acquire economic stability. Becoming a trustee would mean eradicating the lack of access to capital to under representative communities and divert clients from predatory lenders. Offering Kiva, not only as a tool to access capital but an aid to alleviate the hurdles clients confront when establishing or expanding a business.
What is the mission of your organization?
Access mission is to address the needs of the most vulnerable and underserved populations in San Diego County by promoting self-sufficiency and economic independence through education and employment opportunities.

Borrower Due Diligence

How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
For Access to endorse a borrower, the borrower would need to enroll in our Access Microenterprise Program (AMP), and participate in at least two workshops that will assist them with developing or review the existing business plan and social media. Endorsement decision is subject to the AMP team.

About Access

Location: San Diego,
Total loans: $6,500
Paying on time: Not enough data
Paying back late: Not enough data
Repayment rate: Not enough data

All Loans for this Trustee