Trustee: City of Rochester Office of Community Wealth Building
Rochester, NY
- Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
- The City of Rochester Office of Community Wealth Building works with business owners to connect them to local technical assistance and funding. We believe entrepreneurship is key to community and generational wealth building.
- What is the mission of your organization?
- The mission of the OCWB is to facilitate cross-sector collaboration between government, non-profits, the private sector, anchor institutions, and the community, with the goal of advancing community wealth building policies, programs, initiatives, and systems throughout the Rochester community.
Borrower Due Diligence
- How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
- We will endorse borrowers who have demonstrated they are ready for their Kiva loan and who have met with our business development manager. We will also consider endorsing local repeat Kiva borrowers who have used Kiva loans in the past to grow their businesses.
About City of Rochester Office of Community Wealth Building
Trustee type:
Time on Kiva:
Total loans:
Paying on time:
Not enough data
Paying back late:
Not enough data
Repaid in full:
Not enough data
Not enough data
Repayment rate:
All Loans for this Trustee