Trustee: Central Missouri Community Action

Columbia, MO


Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
The Missouri Women's Business Center (MoWBC) was created in 2016 through a grant from the US Small Business Administration and is a program of Central Missouri Community Action. Its primary focus is to help women in Central Missouri start and grow their own businesses. We provide individualized business counseling, small business technical assistance, classes, and opportunities for networking and peer mentoring and no cost. This program targets women, especially those in the low to moderate income bracket and/or minority groups, who often face greater barriers to business ownership. One of these barriers is access to capital. The majority of our clients seeking capital need less than $10,000 to get their business off the ground or to expand, and we are interested in utilizing KIVA for our vetted clients who are ready to take that next step.
What is the mission of your organization?
CMCA’s mission is to empower individuals and families to achieve self-reliance.

Borrower Due Diligence

How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
A borrower must have the following to be endorsed by our organization : Completed business plan or use of funds statement with reasonable and plausible financial projections. Registered LLC in the State of Missouri Approval of the MoWBC Advisory Board to endorse the borrower after board review of the business plan or use of funds statement.

About Central Missouri Community Action

Location: Columbia,
Total loans: $80,000
Paying on time: Not enough data
Paying back late: Not enough data

All Loans for this Trustee