Trustee: iCAN Collective

Lansing, IL


Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
The iCAN Collective was created from my desire to give access to resources, tools and information to people from underrepresented communities pursuing entrepreneurship. Kiva is the perfect partner for iCAN because our goals and missions align. I would love to be a trustee to help drive our missions forward. Access to capital is such a barrier and I would be honored to help remove some of those obstacles for people.
What is the mission of your organization?

Borrower Due Diligence

How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
I will have questions that I would want the company to answer in a pitch deck. I would be interested in specific details on the revenue strategy of the organization (How do they make money?), What is unique/different about the company and what makes it competitive in the market ( why are people choosing you over your competitors), How are you connecting to your target audience and how are you marketing your product or service? Does the company have employees (if so, what are their roles?) Most importantly, what will they use the money for? Is it probable that their plan will result in profit to facilitate the repayment of the funds?

About iCAN Collective

Location: Lansing,
Total loans: $16,500

All Loans for this Trustee