Trustee: NYC Business Solutions - Harlem Center

New York, NY


Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
We would like to help our clients with Kiva Zip services as opposed to traditional crowd funding options.
What is the mission of your organization?
NYC Business Solutions is a set of free services offered by the Department of Small Business Services to help businesses start, operate and expand in New York City.

Borrower Due Diligence

How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
All clients are our customers. We sit with each customer for a preliminary interview to asses their needs and see if they would be a good fit for whichever financing partner we are send them to. We also collect documentation like licenses and permits.

About NYC Business Solutions - Harlem Center

Location: New York,
Total loans: $847,300
Paying on time: Not enough data
Paying back late: Not enough data
Defaulted: 39

All Loans for this Trustee