Trustee: The Nantucket Project Academy

Greenwich, CT


Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
Because like Kiva, we believe that ideas are the greatest resource of our time and that turning those ideas into impact requires knowledge, connections and a platform. Therefore, we know that by becoming a Kiva Trustee we can support the development of more ideas and social change leaders than ever before.
What is the mission of your organization?
TNP Academy accelerates the uptake and distribution of what matters: ideas that address the most challenging problems of our time. We do this by ● Investing in Leaders: Supporting social change leaders to fulfill their potential ● Investing in Community: Building a community of TNP supporters and thought leaders who celebrate ideas that matter ● Investing in Media: Connecting ideas that matter with audiences to drive social impact

Borrower Due Diligence

How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
The TNP Scholars Program supports socially conscious leaders with purpose-driven ideas to reach their full potential. Each year, we choose 15 curious, humble and passionate innovators who are making a positive impact on society to be a part of the program. Over the course of 12 months, Scholars are inspired with new ways of thinking, connected to a network of expert advisors and champions, and supported in developing and implementing their ideas through a curriculum of mentoring, instruction, workshops and fellowship. Our goal is to accelerate Scholars’ efforts and deepen their impact. Upon completion of the program, Scholars will have developed meaningful connections, great storytelling skills, and received expert training in partnership building, fundraising, marketing, impact measurement, and more. It is from these individual Scholars that we will select borrowers and we have the utmost confidence in their suitability for a Kiva loan. In line with best practices, as participants in our program, Scholars are contractually obligated to regularly report their progress and maintain the highest professional standards.

About The Nantucket Project Academy

Location: Greenwich,
Total loans: $4,000
Repaid in full: Not enough data
Defaulted: Not enough data
Repayment rate: Not enough data

All Loans for this Trustee