Trustee: Slow Money Hawaii
Honolulu, HI
- Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
- Slow Money Hawaii nurtures small food and farm businesses working to strengthen Hawaii's food systems, improve the soil of our agricultural lands, and preserve Hawaii's unique culture. The Hawaiian Islands are isolated by 2,500 miles of ocean in any direction, and almost completely (80-90%) dependent upon imports for our food supply which could easily be disrupted by a hurricane, earthquake or tsunami; and creates a huge carbon footprint. Helping these small businesses access the capital they need for start-up or growth, will lead our islands to greater food self-sufficiency by increasing production, distribution and food processing infrastructure.
- What is the mission of your organization?
- We want to contribute to the growth of sustainable and regenerative agriculture to feed people, improve the soil, and reverse climate change through actions taken right here at home in Hawaii Nei. We do this by bringing together hard-working entrepreneurs who are taking on the challenge of feeding our communities and revitalizing the soil, with those who share their values and are willing and able to lend financial support.
Borrower Due Diligence
- How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
- We want to endorse borrowers who show a strong commitment to building a sustainable food system in Hawaii that nourishes both people and land. We're specifically interested in local farmers who use regenerative methods, and value-added food producers who buy their ingredients from them. A borrowers vision, experience and reputation in their community are all things we look at when deciding whether to endorse a borrower. We meet one-on-one with prospective borrowers and whenever possible, we will do a visit to the farm or business establishment. If available, we will review business plans and cash flow projections. We do our best to evaluate character, resources available to the borrower, their commitment to success and community support. As importantly, borrowers must show they are passionate about their work and how it will positively impact their community.
About Slow Money Hawaii
Trustee type:
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