Trustee: People's Food Co-Op

Kalamazoo, MI


Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
People’s Food Co-Op (PFC) is in a unique position in Kalamazoo, "building and nourishing an equitable, resilient community" (our Global Ends). Due to our active role in supporting and nurturing local farms and food entrepreneurs, as well as providing many educational opportunities for our community related to food and food systems, we feel the PFC would be an ideal Trustee for Kiva.
What is the mission of your organization?
The People's Food Co-op of Kalamazoo exists to build and nourish an equitable, resilient community. This statement is known as our “Global Ends” and helps to direct every decision we make. As such, we are more than your average grocer!

Borrower Due Diligence

How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
PFC would approach Social Underwriting is some ways similar but other ways much differently than a bank underwriter. We would endorse products and systems that align with our Global Ends (articulated on page 1). Antiracist/anti-oppression values are critical. A healthy ecological system is paramount. And helping other cooperative business thrive is very important. Keeping jobs and money in our community is a big part of what we are about. We would strongly encourage any entity we endorse to share these values. We would have to know the borrower, and would check with their suppliers, colleagues, and customers. Our due diligence would also include references.

About People's Food Co-Op

Location: Kalamazoo,
Total loans: $111,500
Paying on time: Not enough data
Paying back late: Not enough data

All Loans for this Trustee