Trustee: MORTAR Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH
- Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
- MORTAR is an organization which specializes in helping under-resourced entrepreneurs start businesses. To date, we have worked with 175 entrepreneurs who have all it takes to start/sustain a business, but lack critical supports like access to capital. This program will enable us to meet a critical need for many of our students, helping them to take their ideas one step further.
- What is the mission of your organization?
- The mission of MORTAR is to equip under-served entrepreneurs with the tools and resources needed to stimulate broader development within Greater Cincinnati's urban core.
Borrower Due Diligence
- How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
- Our decision will be based on a number of factors, including: - participation in our 12-week class - did they complete? what was their attitude? - referral from their SCORE mentor - does the mentor think they'd make a quality investment? - meeting with applicant to discuss the opportunity/ensure they're aware of the financial risk. If additional help is needed, we can connect them with financial partners
About MORTAR Cincinnati
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