Trustee: African American Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin

Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
We are dedicated to strengthening African American entrepreneurs and businesses. This is both an exciting and challenging time in our history as we are undergoing a vigorous process of change, growth, and transformation to address disparities many business leaders and entrepreneurs are facing throughout our state.
What is the mission of your organization?
The mission of the African American Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin is to improve the economic development of our business entrepreneurs and the communities for which we serve. The AACCW serves as the corner stone for educational training, resource programs, resources and economic growth opportunities with a specific emphasis on "Business in Action."

Borrower Due Diligence

How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
Potential borrowers are members or supporters of the chamber or individuals who have most likely participated in AACCW seminars and events. Members and potential members of the African American Chamber of Commerce who complete an assessment interview with our small business development facilitator are eligible.

About African American Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin

Location: Milwaukee,
Total loans: $344,500
Paying on time: Not enough data
Paying back late: Not enough data
Defaulted: 27

All Loans for this Trustee