Trustee: Libby Schaaf
Oakland, CA
- Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
- As an elected official in Oakland, CA I want to see my city thrive. I want to help small local businesspeople succeed and grow a sustainable economy. Kiva Zip helps me and others be localist lenders.
- What is the mission of your organization?
Borrower Due Diligence
- How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
- As a life-long Oaklander and elected official, I feel I know which businesses have what it takes to appeal to customers and succeed in my town. I will look for businesspeople who have the Oakland qualities of creativity, persistence and entrepreneurship and resonate with my sense of fierce Oakland pride. I'll also examine traditional indicators, like experience, track-record and a solid business plan.
About Libby Schaaf
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