Trustee: Bayou Microfund
Houston, TX
- Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
- My name is Prasad Menon, and I have been passionate about Kiva for many years. When Kiva Zip was launched, I wanted to be part of it. Now they call it Kiva US, and I am pleased to see it expand into a vibrant Hub System. I first started off by personally becoming a Trustee, but after seeing the interest and the vigor of University of Houston’s Microfinance program, I decided to build an organization called Bayou Microfund to serve as a Trustee and now to power Kiva’s Houston Hub. We are passionate about igniting microlending in the Houston area.
- What is the mission of your organization?
- To incubate micro-entrepreneurs and fund them with interest-free loans.
Borrower Due Diligence
- How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
- I am the main decision maker after evaluating a Borrower’s pitch, interviewing them in person, and consulting with others who are very well acquainted with them and their business. Bayou Microfund has a set of criteria that we look at. We are looking for a) Will this business be a success? b) The entrepreneur behind the business, can s/he make it? c) What is their track record, credit and character? We maintain contact with the Entrepreneur after they are fully funded to see how they’re doing, and if obstacles arise, we are able to help connect them with technical assistance to help them stay on track. As a Trustee, our diligence extends past funding and into repayment to make sure they are supported on their entire Kiva journey.
About Bayou Microfund
Trustee type:
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All Loans for this Trustee