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Partner Description:

Teledata ICT is a leading broadband, fiber internet, and business technology service provider operating in the Greater Accra region of Ghana since 2003. In partnership with Google X’s project Taara team, Teledata is focused on targeting lower-income consumers and small businesses that would benefit from both providing and/or selling affordable high-speed WIFI access to their customers.

A unique lending approach:

Teledata uses Kiva financing to provide capital to existing small business owners which will be used in setting up an indoor or outdoor WiFi hotspot, in order to provide high speed, quality and affordable internet bundles in mostly low-income communities. These internet bundles can be used anywhere there is a Teledata network, thereby fulfilling the goal of network expansion while providing an income stream for businesses and a way for community members to access the internet.

Repayment Performance on Kiva

    This Lending Partner All Kiva Partners
  Start Date On Kiva Apr 6, 2022 Oct 12, 2005
Total Loans $322,650 $1,991,774,365
Amount of raised Inactive loans $27,825 $592,725
Number of raised Inactive loans 46 175
Amount of Paying Back Loans $270,450 $155,940,245
Number of Paying Back Loans 374 185,278
Amount of Ended Loans $24,375 $1,801,232,460
Number of Ended Loans 66 2,417,902
Delinquency Rate 7.60% 12.93%
Amount in Arrears $12,860 $12,266,932
Outstanding Portfolio $170,309 $94,894,627
Number of Loans Delinquent 316 75,551
Default Rate 0.00% 1.84%
Amount of Ended Loans Defaulted $0 $33,227,786
Number of Ended Loans Defaulted 0 86,773
Currency Exchange Loss Rate 3.60% 0.48%
Amount of Currency Exchange Loss $14,502 $12,249,301
Refund Rate 1.49% 0.55%
Amount of Refunded Loans $4,800 $10,860,200
Number of Refunded Loans 12 9,615

Loan Characteristics On Kiva

    This Lending Partner All Kiva Partners
  Loans to Women Borrowers 35.33% 78.32%
Average Loan Size $658 $392
Average Individual Loan Size $658 $588
Average Group Loan Size $0 $1,901
Average number of borrowers per group 0 8.3
Average GDP per capita (PPP) in local country $3,500 $5,598
Average Loan Size / GDP per capita (PPP) 18.79% 7.01%
Average Time to Fund a Loan 8.59 days 9 days
Average Dollars Raised Per Day Per Loan $76.59 $43.60
  Average Loan Term 17.9 months 11.47 months

Journaling Performance on Kiva

    This Lending Partner All Kiva Partners
  Total Journals 0 1,195,463
  Journaling Rate 0.00% 42.16%
  Average Number of Comments Per Journal 0.00 0.02
  Average Number of Recommendations Per Journal 0.00 0.56

Borrowing Cost Comparison (based on 2009 data)

    This Lending Partner Median for MFI's in Country All Kiva Partners
  Average Cost to Borrower N/A 53.00% PY 26.79% PY
  Profitability (return on assets) 4.33% 0.3% -2.47%
  Average Loan Size (% of per capita income) N/A 13.00% 0.00%

Country Fast Facts

Lending Partner Staff

Gregory Eid
Felix Hushie
Priscilla Mettle
Comfort Quartey-Papafio
Roberta Quaye