Join 2 million people in crowdfunding for good.

With Kiva you can lend as little as $25 and make a big change in someone's life.

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2,129,971 lenders have invested over $1.7 billion 
in 4,420,9407 borrowers around the globe.

How Kiva works

Kiva heart icon

Get started

Choose a borrower who inspires you or choose a cause you support.

Icon with hand holding money - Kiva


Lend manually or automatically.

Money illustration pointing down

Get repaid

Kiva borrowers have a 96% repayment rate historically.

two hands together with heart in palms


Change more lives by relending your money over and over again.

It's a loan,
not a donation

Kiva is a loan, not a donation, allowing you to cycle your money and create a personal impact across the world. Plus, you can withdraw your funds at any time.

100% of your loan goes to supporting borrowers.

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Our community has funded over $2 billion in loans to more than 5 million people.

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Kiva borrowers have a 96% repayment rate.

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The Kiva community spans 77 countries and 1.9M lenders.

Anna Burgess Yang Testimonial Image

This morning I made microloans to a bakery in Samoa and a general store in Rwanda. I've been lending on Kiva since 2009 and I'm excited every time I get an email that I've received repayments and can make another loan.



Kiva lender Jenae Journot Testimonial

It's easy to make a difference in someone's life through Kiva. Just made my 11th loan to a single mother in Nicaragua. Constantly blown away by the impact from the same $25 being lent over and over again.


Kiva lender

PayPal Logo

“Kiva’s ability to leverage the power of technology and compassion has produced an impressive record of impact that has helped millions of entrepreneurs around the world. PayPal is honored to be a long-time partner of Kiva as we work together to advance greater access to financial services and build a more inclusive economy.”

Franz Paasche Chief Corporate Affairs Officer at PayPal

Make a loan today!

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