Asunta | A loan of $1,950 helps to increase production by hiring more artisans for her workshop.

Make a loan, change a life.

With Kiva you can lend as little as $25 and make a big change in someone's life.

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How it works

By lending as little as $25 on Kiva, you can support the causes you care about and make a real personal impact.

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Browse by category and find an entrepreneur to support.

Make a loan

Help fund a loan with as little as $25.

Get repaid

Kiva borrowers have a 96% repayment rate historically.


Relend your money or withdraw your funds.

It's a loan,
not a donation

Kiva is a loan, not a donation, allowing you to cycle your money and create a personal impact across the world. Plus, you can withdraw your funds at any time.

100% of your loan goes to supporting borrowers.

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Our community has funded over $2 billion in loans to more than 5 million people.

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Kiva borrowers have a 96% repayment rate.

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The Kiva community spans 77 countries and 1.9M lenders.

Anna Burgess Yang Testimonial Image

This morning I made microloans to a bakery in Samoa and a general store in Rwanda. I've been lending on Kiva since 2009 and I'm excited every time I get an email that I've received repayments and can make another loan.



Kiva lender Jenae Journot Testimonial

It's easy to make a difference in someone's life through Kiva. Just made my 11th loan to a single mother in Nicaragua. Constantly blown away by the impact from the same $25 being lent over and over again.


Kiva lender

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