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About me:
Giving your skill to someone else is also a skill that everyone cannot master. The art of giving is one of the skills that need to be mastered. Stefan Motzo of Germany is a football coach, who mastered the art of giving. Today, he is delivering his valuable skills to everyone who wants to build their career in the game of football. Spending his entire life in Germany, he was always attracted to the world of football. From his childhood, he played this game and decided to build his career in this. After completing his studies, he realized that he has enough knowledge in football that he can deliver to others. This is when he decided to become a football coach and dedicate his life to this field. Today, everyone who wants to learn and excel in the game of football is under his guidance. He is a perfect example of dedication to his work. Training others, he mastered the art of giving and helping others to live and achieve their dreams.
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Member Since:
Oct 14, 2021
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