Dufatanye Cb Group
A loan of $5,000 helps a member to buy more beans, Irish potatoes, cassava and green bananas to sell.

Dufatanye Cb Group's story
Dufatanye Cb is a group represented by Béatrice who is 53 years old. The group members work hard in order to improve their standard of living.
Béatrice is married with 6 children aged between 14 and 26 years. In English, the group name means "let us work together".
Béatrice sells foodstuffs and has been doing this business for the past 6 years. With the loan, she would like to buy more beans, Irish potatoes, cassava and green bananas to sell.
The profits from Béatrice's business will be used to expand her business .
In this group: Anastasie, Marie, Sifora, Béatrice, Aline, Pascaline, Uwineza, Julienne, Felicien, Leonidas, Gaspard, Euphrasie, Emmanuel, Claude, Claude, Ruth, Innocent, Desire, Pacifique, Dusabimana, Delphine, Odette