Djguiseme Group
A loan of $2,400 helps a member to buy rams of good quality with the aim of raising them for a profit.

Djguiseme Group's story
Maimouna is the woman holding the ram in the picture. She is 44 years old, married, comes from Mali and has six children; two girls and four boys between the ages of 4 and 18. Two daughters are enrolled in school; her husband is a farmer and lives in a rural area. She has been raising sheep for 15 years and manages to earn income of 40,000 CFA with each sale. Besides she is requesting a loan of 200,000 CFA from RMCR-Kiva so she can buy more rams with the goal of increasing her revenue and paying for her children's tuition.
In the future, she wants to raise rams of a superior breed in order to be more competitive on the market.
In this group: Maimouna, Fatoumata, Alimata, Sitan, Memoune, Aminata, Sanata, Siaka, Moctar
Translated from French by Kiva volunteerNaomi Shamban. View original language description.