A loan of $14,575 helps to purchase a delivery van to reach more customers who could not previously afford clean drinking water.

Frank's story
Frank, a high-spirited franchisee in Accra, has been operating for two years now. He has grown the market tremendously and reached out to a large number of people far away from his franchise. Frank faces a big challenge of distributing water to his customers because he has no means of transport.
This loan will help him to purchase a delivery van that will distribute water to his customers and re-sellers and reach out further to those who currently can't afford to buy Jibu because of the transport cost.
Jibu is a social enterprise pioneering a powerful new model that capitalizes and equips entrepreneurs in emerging market communities to own businesses that ensure access to basic human necessities, with water as an anchor product.
Driven by a belief in the power of eye-to-eye partnership to unleash latent entrepreneurial talent, Jibu is transforming the challenge of addressing basic human needs into an expansive opportunity that allows thousands of entrepreneurs to build lasting solutions, one neighborhood at a time. The company’s vision is to train, finance, and grow a network of co-invested business owners like Mr. Frank, who will revolutionize the way critical resources are leveraged to develop essential infrastructure in emerging markets.