Nuevo Dia Group

Nuevo Dia Group

A loan of $3,450 helps a member to buy bread and fruits for resale.

Nuevo Dia Group

Nuevo Dia Group's story

Telma Julieta is a hard-working and constant person. She continues with her business selling bread. She sells a variety of breads depending on the wishes of her customers, as these are the people who make her business grow day after day.

Telma Julieta is very grateful to Kiva because the support received has made her business possible. She works from very early since this is when she has most of her sales because people leave for work and to get bread to supplement their meals.

She is asking for another loan to continue investing in her business. Now she also is selling all kinds of ice cream, and it is going very well. She also needs to buy fruits and glasses. She dreams of finishing her house so she can live better.

In this group: Telma Julieta, Andy Zucely, Sindy Jennifer, Alba, Norma Catalina, Irma Yolanda, Karen Judith, Elvira Marisa

Previous loan details

Nuevo Dia Group's previous loan

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteerMarcia Margolis. View original language description.

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