

A loan of $2,750 helps to start her business and purchase food products for circulation.


Mashhura's story

Mashhura is a welcoming and friendly woman who lives in Konibodom. She is 48 years old, married, and raising four young children. Over the past four years, Mashhura has been working as a seamstress and in sales and procurement. Her husband buys and sells cattle in addition to working in a store.

For two years, Mashhura has been selling goods in a grocery store. She now dreams of improving her family’s financial situation and providing her children with the very best life possible by opening her own store. She has already started renting a space and has prepared the store, and now needs to buy goods to put into circulation.

Mashhura is in need of financial resources, so she is turning to the lenders at Kiva. She needs an initial loan to buy an assortment of goods in order to open her store. Mashhura is really depending on your support.

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