

A loan of $1,650 helps to add stock to the business.


Sarah's story

Meet Sarah, a refugee mother to 5 children who all are school-going and stay with her in Moyo, which is in the west Nile region of Uganda.

Imagine leaving everything back in Sudan and moving to Uganda. It was a very difficult time for her as well as her family.

But when she came to Moyo, she was introduced to a savings group, and she met refugee women who were just like her. She got inspired and things have never been the same.

She has a stall that sells a variety of home consumption goods. She has many customers, though she is limited by stock which is not enough.

Her business has been growing steadily and much better, and now she understands her customers much better and she now knows what to stock.

She would like to add more stock so that she is able to sell more, pay school fees, and offer her family a better life.

She is very glad for the support that VisionFund and Kiva have given her.

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