

A loan of $425 helps to buy more pandanus for her weaving business.


Fine's story

Fine makes a living for her family from her weaving business. She started this weaving business on her own, and she can weave the taovala in different sizes and styles. Fine is married and a mother of four kids. They all live in their own house. Her husband helps her in her weaving business. He takes part in preparing the pandanus that she uses for her weaving.

She uses the white and the brown pandanus for her weaving. Once the taovala is ready to sell out, she sells it out through the internet to the local people and sometimes to overseas. The price of one taovala depends on the size and the style of the taovala. Fine and her husband can decorate the taovala using their own designs.

The income from her weaving business can cover her family's weekly expenses, educate her kids, feed them and also cover her weekly repayment. She applied for this loan to help her to buy more pandanus for her weaving business. This loan will help to empower her small weaving business for more development in the future.

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