Pa Khoang 145 Group

Pa Khoang 145 Group

A loan of $2,075 helps a member to buy baby fish.

Pa Khoang 145 Group

Pa Khoang 145 Group's story

Ngoan is an ethnic minority man who lives in a stilt house with his wife and his son in a remote village in a mountainous province. He is the one standing on the right side of this picture.

Every day he goes to the fields and takes on his farming work such as cultivating rice, corn and cassava and breeding pigs, cows and fish. He is a truly passionate fish farmer. He has about 10 years of experience in raising fish. He finds it an easier and more appropriate investment to focus on. Therefore, he took out this loan to buy baby fish.

He is grateful for this loan from Kiva lenders. He expects that he will be able to help himself with living expenses and also cover tuition fees for his son, with the hope his son will have a better future via education.

In this group: Ngoan , Thuy , Len , Doi

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