

A loan of $725 helps to buy housewares for a home-based trading business.


Etidal's story

Etidal, a 44-year-old Jordanian widow and mother of six, has long been a pillar of resilience and determination for her family. With her son working as an electrician, she recognized that their combined income may not be enough to secure the future she envisions for her children. Driven by her desire to contribute to her family’s financial stability, Etidal took a courageous step and started a small business to meet the growing need for housewares in her community.

Over time, her commitment to providing quality, affordable housewares has built her a loyal customer base, and her business has become a trusted source for local families. Now, as demand continues to grow, Etidal sees an opportunity to expand further. She is seeking a 500 JOD loan to increase her inventory, allowing her to offer a broader variety of housewares that cater to the diverse needs of her community.

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