A loan of $550 helps to empower her business by buying more pandanus for her weaving business.
Folingi's story
Greeting from Tonga!
Meet Folingi! She is married and the mother of five kids. These family consists of seven member who live together in the same house. Her kids are still in attending school.
Folingi makes a living for her family from weaving.So this is why she doesn't want to quit her weaving business: she needs to provide for her family, especially because her kids' tuition fee have to be paid.
Folingi joined into a group of women in their village to do weaving. They can weave a taovala only using the white and the brown pandanus. The lack of pandanus is the main problem that every woman face with during doing the weaving.
This is why she applied for this loan to help her buy more pandanus use for her weaving business.