Beigin Group
A loan of $5,350 helps a member to buy merchandise to sell.
Beigin Group's story
Carmen Rosario is 32 years old, single, and has no children. She has worked for one-and-one-half years selling clothing on the internet. On a typical day, Carmen Rosario awakes early to work and delivers clothing to various customers. With this loan she plans to buy more clothing merchandise to make her business grow. It is possible that in the future she could have her own clothing store. Her greatest aspiration is to be able to grow as a merchant to be able to help her family economically.
In this group: Jiovana, Dolan, Carmen Rosario, Carlos Alberto, Lilian Romaneth, Jose Antonio, Antonio, Jeferson
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteerJoann S. View original language description.