

A loan of $725 helps to buy livestock, to increase her income from raising livestock.



Zhyydekan's story

Zhyydekan says hello from Kyrgyzstan. She successfully paid off all her previous loans and would like to thank Kiva for the financing she has received. Now she has returned to Bai Tushum Bank in hope of getting another loan.

Zhyydekan wants to borrow 60,000 KGS to buy livestock to increase her head count of livestock. She has everything needed to keep animals right on her property, and the region she lives in is wonderfully suited to animal husbandry. She sends her animals to graze on green pasture every summer. Income from this loan will help improve her family's financial situation. She would like to thank all Kiva lenders for the support and wishes you all the best.

Previous loan details

Zhyydekan's previous loan

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Kat Tancock. View original language description.

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