Gladis Olaya

Gladis Olaya

A loan of $1,625 helps to buy sheet sets, clothing, curtains, sandals, and parts to maintain her bus.


Gladis Olaya

Gladis Olaya's story

Gladys Olaya and her family live in Bajos de Montecristi, known for its artesian works made from toquilla straw, wicker, piquigua fiber, and wood, such as toquilla straw hats known throughout the world as "Panama Hats," popular in the whole country and outside it.

Gladys Olaya and her daughter are very thankful for the loans that increase their sales. They sell from their home and travel to various areas of the city where they have clients, bringing their merchandise so clients can choose what they need. Clients can purchase on credit with payments every 8 days. They sell via the internet and Watssap with orders from all over the city.

Gladys Olaya is also the owner of a public bus. She contracts a chauffeur to drive, who she pays monthly for his work.

This loan is to buy sheet sets, clothing, curtains, sandals, and parts to maintain her bus.

Previous loan details

Gladis Olaya's previous loan

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Emmy Soyka. View original language description.

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