Emprendiendo Y Triunfando Group

Emprendiendo Y Triunfando Group

A loan of $2,700 helps a member to buy one dozen shirts, one dozen pants, children's clothing and underwear for her clothing business.


Emprendiendo Y Triunfando Group

Emprendiendo Y Triunfando Group's story

From Jinotepe, Nicaragua meet the Emprendiendo y Triunfando community bank. In its eighth cycle, it is made up of eight members who describe themselves as responsible. Their main businesses are: selling clothing, selling prepared foods, making hand-crafts, selling cosmetics and doing manicures.

Ana Margarita (dressed in blue pants, a white tee shirt with designs and a headband) is 22 years old, married and does not have children. Her husband works at an institution. There are two people living in her house. Her business is selling clothing and she has had it for two years. What she likes the most about her business is selling her products and especially the earnings it generates. The challenges she has faced with her business are the customers who are behind on their payments.

She will use this loan to buy one dozen pants, one dozen shirts, children's clothing and underwear. This loan will help her to expand her business with a variety of products.

Her hopes and dreams for the future are to have a clothing store with a variety of products. She advises women to strive to achieve their dreams and not to be afraid to get started.

Give her your support to further her progress!

In this group: Nadia Aniuskha , Areli Concepcion , Ana Margarita , Arlen Magally , Kevin Emanuel , Lisbeth Magally , Walter Josue , Sasha Belen

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary Jean . View original language description.

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