

A loan of $6,275 helps to continue and complete paying for her studies.



Valeria's story

Valeria is a student who is studying for a degree in International Business and Administration at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences. She previously benefitted from a loan for her education, which had a positive impact on her academic and personal development. Thanks to the support from Kiva, she was able to stay focussed on her studies without constantly worrying about the high cost of academic grants. Access to more accessible payments provided her with the necessary peace of mind to make the most of her education. This support opened doors for her in the professional world, and she was accepted for an internship in a company where she has been able to apply the knowledge acquired from her degree. However, currently her family's finances are not sufficient to cover the costs of the next university year, which means she may not be able to continue with her university degree and puts her professional goals at risk. For this reason, Valeria is requesting a new loan from Kiva. Her dream is to finish her degree and specialise in international business management, contributing to the growth and development of her country. Valeria feels deeply grateful for the support which she has received so far, as without this support she would not have been able to advance towards her goals with the same level of security. She says: "Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. The opportunity which has been provided to me has been invaluable and I will make the most of it in my studies."

Previous loan details

Valeria's previous loan

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elizabeth Daw. View original language description.

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