A loan helped to start a paper business.

Diana Lucia's story

Diana, 28, is a modest, simple, and honest woman who lives in a post-conflict area.

She currently needs your help to start a business selling paper items. She's the mother of two little ones, ages 7 and 2, and in light of the lack of job opportunities, she needs to exhaust all her alternatives to find a source of money so she can help her partner support the household.

With the money Diana will buy display cases, shelves, and paper items such as notebooks, pens, mechanical pencils, poster board, various types of paper, erasers, pencils, pencil sharpeners, and other products.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

This loan is special because:

It goes towards helping someone fulfill his or her dreams of starting a business.

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