A loan helped a member to buy blankets wholesale.

Mujeres Obreras Group's story

The Communal Association "Mujeres Obreras” (Working Women) is beginning its thirteenth cycle with Pro Mujer, as part of the Focal Point of the Andes. It is composed of eight members and it is led by a board of directors where Señora Lourdes is the secretary. The businesses that the members of the communal association carry out are varied and among them are: selling blankets, selling cosmetics, selling clothes, selling food, a neighborhood store, selling meat, and a library.

The credit they will take out will benefit small micro-entrepreneurs such as Señora Lourdes. She notes that it’s been four years since she joined Pro Mujer, joining by the invitation of her sister who is also a client of the institution. Today she has a business selling blankets. She says that she learned this business from her sister and decided to start her own business several years ago.

The credit that she’s taking out now will be to increase her capital (to purchase blankets wholesale) that she will buy from the wholesalers of the city of El Alto, and subsequently she will sell them at the fairs in the city of El Alto. This way of working allows her to generate income to support her family financially, since she is single and has two children.

When she is asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, she replies that she likes the training and the health area that the institution offers.

In this group: Lourdes Severina, Nicolasa, Laura Severina, Juan Carlos, Monica, Fanny Beatriz, Amalia Elizabeth, Maria Lourdes

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Andy & Esther .

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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