A loan helped to buy one horse, one heifer and two dairy cows in order to increase her herd.

Anar's story

Anar is 43 years old and married with four daughters. She is very honest, hardworking, and kind. Anar has a secondary education and she earns an income for her family through farming and raising animals. She started her own business in 2005. She has two cows and 21 sheep on her farm. On her 3.44 hectare plot she grows peppers, clover and beans. Her current monthly income is 20,000 KGS. She has applied for a loan of 150,000 KGS from Bai Tushum Bank to purchase a horse, a heifer, and two dairy cows. Anar plans to invest the income she earns in the further growth of her business and getting her daughters a good education.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Amanda Rempel.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of low-income families.

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