A loan helped to purchase netting and wood to make crates, and to purchase hoods/caps and spurs.

William José's story

William is 49 years old and is a committed father who is responsible for the progress of his family. He is married and the father of two daughters who are 15 and 12 years old.

When he became unemployed 15 years ago, his brother who is a fan of cockfighting, taught him about these contests and the income they can generate. So William became involved in the business and began to acquire roosters and the equipment needed to participate in the region's cockfighting fairs.

William has been successful with his business and is now applying for a loan from Kiva so he can become involved with a financial institution through Fundacion Mario Santo Domingo so he can buy mesh and wood to make crates and to buy hoods and spurs.

William aspires to have more customers and on a personal level, to educate his daughters and own his own house.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marcia Margolis.

This loan is special because:

It provides borrowers in micro businesses with affordable loans.

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