A loan helped to buy fresh fruit for her husband's fruit selling business.

Naseem's story

Naseem is a 52-year old married woman living in the area of Lahore, Pakistan. She has requested a loan for her husband's fruit selling business. He owns a fruit selling business in a nearby fruit market. With the increase in their household expenses, she wants to grow the business also.

Therefore Naseem has requested a loan from Kiva’s field partner, BRAC Pakistan, so that her husband will be able to buy fresh fruit. She wants to save the profit amount so that she can face any sudden incidents or need for medical treatment for her children.

Naseem hopes that this loan will prove productive for her and that she will save a reasonable amount soon. She is very thankful to Kiva and its field partner, BRAC Pakistan.

This loan is special because:

It provides financial services in some of the poorest parts of Pakistan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details