A loan helped a member to buy a small compressor.

La Nueva Esperanza Group's story

There is a community in Mexico whose inhabitants are very hard-working, kind people. Their warmth makes them stand out from other communities. They also have very rooted traditions, especially their religious holidays where they display fireworks, dances, food and, in general, everyone lives in a spirit of brotherhood.

J. Carmen is a man who stands out for his enthusiasm and respectfulness, as well as his cheerfulness. He is married to Rosa Maria and they have a family comprised of four children, three of whom still attend school.

Over nine years ago he opened a vulcanization business which is where automobile tires are repaired. The initiative came about after he acquired experience working in a family workshop. Afterwards he opened his own business. With a loan through VFMexico he was able to buy enough tools to provide excellent quality services ot his customers. With the new loan he plans to cover the cost of a compressor, since he now does the cutting by hand.

Through his efforts he has attracted many different customers. Since his business is stable he has been able to hire people who help him significantly. "The sun comes up for everyone and I have my own fixed customers" he says regarding his competition. His greatest goal is to buy land to build a larger workshop.

The other members of the group are Ana Maria who will buy pigs to raise; Juan, who will invest in a cybercafe; Cristina and Teodora in a taco stand; Jose Juan and Francisco in a tortilla stand; Maria Elena in a grocery store; Ana Maria F in shoes and Nancy in white goods.

*The photo was taken at Ana María's business. She is wearing a hat. J. Carmen is the one in a black polo shirt.

In this group: Ana Maria, J Carmen, Juan Luis, Cristina, Jose Juan, Francisco, Maria Elena, Diana Laura, Nancy, Ana Maria, Teodora

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It gives rural low-income families in Mexico a chance to work for a better future.

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