A loan helped to buy Kito style sandals.

Tsilaviniaina's story

Tsilaviniana is 20 years old and single. He is a dynamic and resourceful young man. At the moment, the income he gets from the business allows him to support his mother financially.

He sells sandals in one of the capital's markets.He started this business two years ago when he finished studying.The business depends on the quality and variety of the products (colour, size, quantity). The market grows during the rainy season. He is currently on his third loan. In the beginning he worked with his mum who also does the same activity. The merchandised stock was weak and the previous loans allowed him to arrange his own stock and to increase it. The loan will go towards buying sandals in different colours to resell.

His wish is to be able to build a house before getting married.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It supports entrepreneurs in Madagascar with a full suite of financial services.

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