A loan helped a member to buy supplies like fabric, elastic, ribbons, lace, etc.

Centro De Rioyos Group's story

In a small community in the State of Mexico, a group of people joined together who are similar in their characteristics and objectives, since they are all very hardworking and completely dedicated to their families. They are all originally from this community, which is rich in traditions, fiestas, music, and natural resources. Many of the people make their living in the cultivation of corn. The upcoming time is very important for them since they can harvest the fruit of the labor they've done throughout the year.

Margarita is one of the members who stands out for her enterprising attitude and who also enjoys preserving the traditions of her birthplace. Mago, as she is affectionately called, has had a dressmaking shop for more than fifteen years. She started it after taking a sewing class and found that it was her passion.

At first, she worked from home with a sewing machine that her in-laws had loaned her, and she only did mending of clothing. But thanks to her earnings, she was able to buy fabric and the necessary tools. She then started to make clothing that was traditional to her region since she wanted people to learn more about their traditions through her creations. "It's a very good business. I earn the profits that I need, and in spite of the competition, I have excellent sales because the schools contact me to make uniforms or costumes," she comments with satisfaction.

With the opportunity of receiving a loan from VFMéxico, she will buy fabric, elastic, ribbons, lace, etc., to increase her production. One of her goals is to remodel her shop so that in the future she can hire personnel and, in the course of time, pay for the educational expenses of her son, who is currently studying in high school.

The rest of the members of the group are Jorge, who will invest in a blacksmith's shop, María Agustina and José Ángel, in a grocery store, and Juan, in a carpenter's shop.

*The photograph was taken in Mago's shop, and she is wearing a gray sweater.

In this group: Jose Angel, Maria Agustina, Jorge, Juan, Margarita

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details