A loan helped to purchase materials and hire an assistant that will allow her to take on additional catering jobs.

Mirtha's story

Mirtha is originally from the Dominican Republic and has been living in the United States for the past 28 years. She started her business because of her passion for and skill in cooking Dominican cuisine. In the past, Mirtha has always received great reviews on her home cooking and has been asked, on many occasions, to cater events for friends and family.

Mirtha's greatest success in running her catering business has been being able to meet so many new clients and contribute to their special events in a memorable way. She currently runs her business alone. In the past, she has faced difficulty in getting access to working capital for big catering jobs.

Mirtha is seeking a loan to purchase additional cooking materials and to also hire an assistant to help her take on more catering contracts. Her vision for the future is to continue being of service to others through her catering service.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details