A loan helped a member to buy vegetables at wholesale.

Flores De Senkata Group's story

The community association “FLORES DE SENKATA” will begin its second cycle with Pro Mujer as part of Centro Focal Villa Exaltación. There are eight members in the group, and it's managed by a Board of Officers in which Señora Adela is the President. The members of the association work in various businesses including a transportation service and other businesses selling products such as vegetables, sweets, pants, food, toys, and clothing.

This loan will benefit small micro-entrepreneurs including Señora Adela. She says that she joined Pro Mujer six months ago by way of an invitation from a promoter of the institute. Currently, she has a business selling vegetables, and she says that she learned how to run this type of business through her own initiative several years ago. The loan she is requesting will be used to increase capital (to buy vegetables at wholesale). She will purchase from salespeople in the city of El Alto, and then later re-sell them at her business. This work has enabled her to earn income to financially support her family. She is married and has three children.

When asked what she likes about the Pro Mujer, she replies by saying that she likes the healthcare that the institute offers.

In this group: Adela, Maria Celia, Dalia Esther, Yaneth, Elvis, Lizeth, Ascencia Justa, Erika

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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