A loan helped a member to buy clothing wholesale.

Sarawi Group's story

The “SARAWI” communal bank will start its first cycle in Pro Mujer as a part of the Santiago II focal center. It is made up of nine members and is led by a board of directors, of which Jacinta is the president. The business the members of the communal bank have are varied. Among them are: selling clothes, selling potato chips, and a neighborhood store.

The loan they will take out will benefit the micro-businesswomen, including Jacinta. She indicates that this is the first time she has been a member of Pro Mujer, and she joined at the invitation of a promotion that was being don e in her area. Now she has a business selling clothes. She says that she learned about this business from her sister and she decided to start her own business more than ten years ago.

The loan they will take out now will be to increase capital by buying clothes wholesale. She will acquire it from seller in the city of La Paz and later sell it from her sales space. This work allows her to generate resources to support her family financially, as she is married and has nine children.

When asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, she says that she likes the trainings and the health care that the institution offers.

In this group: Jacinta, Rufina, Elizabeth, Felipa, Marcial, Elizabeth, Roxana, Sonia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

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