A loan helped a member to buy ingredients to make chipas, such as four, starch, cheese, eggs, lard, and more.

Mujeres Trabajadoras Group's story

This group is called Mujeres Trabajadoras. It is in its third cycle of the women's committee program. There are 17 women, all of them very enterprising, all of whom dream of improving their businesses to offer their families a better quality of life.

Gladys is helping to support her home by making and selling chipas. Chipas are a traditional Paraguayan food that is eaten all year round. With her work she has been able to give her family a decent life without the hardships she had to go through.

She is asking for this loan to be able to buy ingredients to make her chipas, such as flour, starch, cheese, eggs, lard, and more so she can continue with her sales, fighting to improve every day.

In this group: Claudelina, Gladys, Liz, Patricia, Marcelina, Acela, Dilma, Cipriana, Liliana, Liz, Vilma, Estela, Liz, Noelia, Cinthia, Ma., Silvina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

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