A loan helped a member to buy more biscuits, milk and soda for selling.

Dukangukirumurimo Sub Group B's story

Dukangukirumurimo is a group led by Marie Rose who is 37 years old and married with two children, aged three and seven years.

The group name means “work hard” in English. Marie Rose has been a group leader for the past six months. She owns a retail shop and has been doing this business for the past two years.

The group members sell different items and they would all like to improve their standards of living. With the loan, Marie Rose would like to buy more biscuits, milk and soda for selling.

With their profits, they hope to expand their business and have a better future.

In this group: Ephrem, Nason, Gerard, Gabriel, Joseph, Marie Rose, Enias, Adrien, Emmanuel, Jacqueline, Emmanuel, Felexis

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details